Start Every Project With a Deposit—Just Do It!
Every project should start with a deposit. Getting a deposit solves many problems: It smooths out your cash flow, gets clients engaged, and weeds out bad clients before it’s too late.
Not getting deposits now? Here’s how to start.
Manage Your Cash Flow, Make Your Income More Predictable
For many freelancers, income is “bumpy”. Rich one month, poor the next.
By using these techniques to manage your cash flow, you can smooth out the bumps and create a more predictable income stream. Learn how today.
Why Get an Agency Job Before Going Freelance?
Answers from freelancers who worked in agencies before freelancing. Benefits of agency jobs include building a network, getting your first clients, learning how to price projects, and more.
Thinking of freelancing or starting your own agency? Get an agency job and let someone else pay for your education.
Know Yourself—The Secret of Running a Successful Creative Business
Knowing yourself is especially important if you’re starting a new business. Take inventory of your skills, goals, limits, and risk tolerance.
Think about how you work best—solo, part of a team, or leader of a group.
Then, put your ideas into action!
From General Agency to Successful Niche Marketing Agency
In the fourth year of his agency’s life, Ben Hagon made a critical change.
He focused the agency on a niche, changed the name, and how they operate.
Learn about the steps he took, and how he grew his company to be a leader in the non-profit agency sector.
From Employee to Agency Founder (with no real plan)
Learn how one designer went from agency employee to agency founder.
It started with one freelance client offering him enough work to launch his own company.
Then, his network kicked in and more big clients came calling.
From Immigrant to Employee to Agency Founder
With no practical experience as a designer and an immigrant to Canada, Ben worked his way from employee to successful agency founder.
But it took some free work (!), creating spec portfolio pieces, and freelancing to augment his 9–5 jobs, to get where he wanted to go.
This is the first of three posts.
Estimate Template: How to Write Estimates That Win Big Projects
This template is for detailed estimates that will help you win bigger projects.
We used it for years. It gives clients confidence that you understand the project and know how to deliver it.
Be a professional. Use this template to create winning estimates.
How To Make Decisions, Take Action, And Move Forward
To move forward, you have to make decisions and then act on them.
Any progress you make is the result of your decisions, followed by appropriate actions.
Saying you’ll do something without taking action is just wishful thinking.
Here’s how to get started, with examples.
Freelancers, Are You Working for Your Ideal Clients?
Imagine if all of your clients were similar to your best clients.
Wouldn’t that be ideal?
Here’s how to define your ideal clients, find them, and contact them.
Once you get started it’s easy. Follow these steps to get going.
Freelancers—3 Clichés to Ignore
There are a lot of clichés in the freelancer world. Most are harmless, but some you should definitely ignore.
Done is better than perfect? For clients, no.
Move fast and break things? Again, no.
The customer is always right? Certainly not.
Don’t get misled by harmful clichés. Have a look.
Freelancers: Contracts Won’t Protect You
Should freelancers have contracts with clients? Yes.
Will a contract ensure you get paid? No.
Learn what to include in your contract, how to talk to clients about money, and what clients to avoid to minimize payment issues later.
Clients Will Pay What They Think You’re Worth
How much is your work worth? It’s determined by:
Who are your clients
What you deliver and how you deliver it
Your track record—what you’ve done before
How you define and present yourself
What you asked for
Want to charge more? Change one or more of those factors.
The Secret to Freelancer Success: Choosing the Right Clients
Once you’re in business for a few years, you should be choosing your clients.
Find clients that are right for you, that agree to your terms and conditions, and that pay you according to your agreement.
Life is so much easier with the right clients.