Book: How to Start a Successful Creative Agency


Buy now on Amazon Kindle and Print, Kobo E-reader, Apple Books and Gumroad (PDF).

If you’re a freelancer, employee, or side-hustler thinking about starting a creative agency, now is the time.

I’ll show you how to land bigger clients, increase your income, and control your destiny.

I’ve done it three times—solo freelance then built two agencies. The first agency was acquired by an IT company, and I retired successfully from the last one.

I’ve learned a lot about the business of running creative businesses. It’s all here in this book, filled with insights, tips, and detailed examples to help you build your own business. There’s never been a better time than now!

 First Business Tip:

Know the difference between repeat clients and one-off projects. It could be the difference between success and failure.


Everything in this book is based on real-world experience, real success.

It’s business advice to get you started right.

  • If you’re a freelancer, I’ll show you how to start growing your business.

  • If creative services is your side-hustle, I’ll show you what it takes to go full time.

  • If you’re an agency employee, I’ll show you how to use your job as business training for starting your own creative agency.

  • For your agency, I’ll help you attract professional clients and avoid time-sucking amateurs.

  • I’ll give you critical insights into keeping everyone happy: your clients, your staff, your contractors and the taxman.

Start right.

Avoid expensive mistakes.

Love your job, love your business.


I Love the Approach

“Purchased your book earlier today, two chapters in and I have no regrets. Excited to read the rest over the weekend. I love the approach and honesty…” Pascaline K, on Twitter

Recommended to Other Creative Friends

“Just finished reading your book. Loved the sections on estimates, billable hours, and timesheets. Recommended to some other creative friends who are running their own biz. Thank you for writing the book :)” Kasun Pathirage, on Twitter

Extremely Clear and Helpful

“The book was extremely clear and helpful – I've already put a lot of your advice into action and have started thinking about the future of the business. Thanks so much again for writing the book.” Bethan Vincent, Consultant

Difference Between Projects and Clients

“I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your book. That bit about the difference between projects and clients is exactly where we are in our business right now. I used it to discuss the topic with our founder. So, thank you for that.”  Mike M, Twitter DM

The #1 reason creative businesses have problems with clients?

Poorly written estimates. I’ll show you how to create estimates that build confidence, limit scope, and make sure you get paid.


This is information you can use right away. Over 300 pages to help you build a successful creative agency.


  1. Starting Your Own Creative Agency

  2. Take Advantage of School

  3. Amateur Creator Vs. Professional

  4. Getting A Job—You’re in The Business

  5. Start Your Freelance Business

  6. Preparing to Launch Your Company

  7. Business Structures—Which One is Right for You?

  8. Writing a Business Plan

  9. Your Money Attitude

  10. Starting Up

  11. Running Your Agency

  12. Decision Making

  13. Defining Your Services

  14. Working With Clients

  15. Managing Your Agency’s Growth

  16. Talking to Clients About Money

  17. Your Estimates Can Make or Break You

  18. Billing & Payment Terms

  19. Adding People

  20. Managing Employees and Benefits

  21. Take Timesheets Seriously

  22. Growing Your Agency

  23. Legal & Insurance


I will teach you many things you won’t learn anywhere else. For example:

  • I’ll show you how I grew my work-from-home freelance business to six figures, then found a partner to launch my first agency.

  • I’ll explain why most freelancers and small agencies don’t qualify for projects from large clients. It’s because they’re locked out. Can you get in? Sure, and I’ll show you how.

  • I’ll surprise you with research that shows what clients value most from creatives. It’s not low price or even talent. So, what is it then? The answer is in the chapter, Start Your Freelance Business.

  • I’ll take you through business plans. Maybe you should write one, maybe not. (Spoiler: I think you should write a short one.)

  • I’ll tell you how to handle clients who are a complete pain, in case you get some. (I bet you will.)

  • I’ll show you how to write estimates that create confidence, win projects and prevent scope creep.

  • I’ll teach you how to talk about money with clients. It’s a superpower!

  • I’ll take you step-by-step through different ways to calculate billing rates. What to do, what to avoid, how to stay profitable.

  • The book is packed with information you can use today.

There are hidden client categories that offer substantial budgets and interesting work. Yet most creators know nothing about them. I’ll identify some of them for you.

Book: How to Start a Successful Creative Agency

Buy now on Amazon Kindle and Print, Kobo E-reader, Apple Books and Gumroad (PDF).

If you’re thinking of starting an agency that works with substantial clients, then I want you to read this book. 

You’ll have a huge advantage over others who are fumbling their way through. 

There’s no reason that you shouldn’t be outrageously successful. I was, without a business background or prestigious university degree. 

There are plenty of good clients out there for everyone. Make sure you get your share.