Are You a Freelancer With Too Much Work? You Have 5 Choices
Maybe “too much work” sounds like a freelancer’s dream come true.
But when it happens, you have to make a decision.
How will you handle it? I think there are 5 basic choices, not including total burnout.
I see freelancers using all of them. Which one works best for you?
Avoid Freelancer Burnout—9 Ways to Find New and Better Clients
As a freelancer, you can experience burnout from anxiety if you don’t have enough business.
There are many ways to find new clients. I asked freelancers on Twitter how they do it.
Here are at least 9 ways to grow your business. You can mix and match them to suit your style. Have a look.
Avoid Freelancer Burnout—Working With Clients
Freelancing can be overwhelming to the point of burnout.
But having clearly established and accepted processes for how you work with clients can save you from burnout.
Here are some guidelines for processes to get paid, manage revisions, gather feedback, and communicate with your clients.
Avoid Freelancer Burnout—Streamline Your Admin Tasks
If your admin tasks are causing you stress to the point of burnout, it’s time to fix that.
In the process, you could save a lot of time that could go towards billable hours.
Here are some suggestions to help freelancers get more efficient in their admin work.
Niches For Freelancers: What, Why, When, Who, How?
If you’re a freelance writer, designer, or developer, you’ve heard others talking about niches.
You may know why you want to have a niche (more money, easier work), but don’t know how to find one.
Here, 13 freelancers tell you about their niche, how they developed it, and why they like it. Lots to learn.
Bad Advice for New Freelancers (How to Avoid It)
There’s plenty of bad advice online, especially for new freelancers. Freelancing is the “road to independence”, it’s easy to “be your own boss”, and you can “work anywhere, whenever you want.”
Some of that may be true once you’re established. But it doesn’t apply when you first start freelancing. Here’s what to do instead…
Take Control of Your Freelance Business (7 Key Areas)
If you want your freelance business to thrive, you have to be in control of seven key areas. Otherwise, you’ll waste time and energy, make yourself crazy, and not see much progress.
You can look at this as managing the “inner business” of your company, and then managing your clients.
Let’s start with the inner business of your company.
Freelancers: How to Build Strong Client Relationships That Grow Your Business
Building strong client relationships was the secret to growing my freelance copywriting business.
My goal was to have a few clients who gave me a lot of business. I didn’t spend much time hustling, chasing after random clients.
Think about your client relationships. Are they strong, or do they need work?
Here are tips on how to strengthen your client relationships.
How to Grow Your Freelance Copywriting or Design Business (3 proven approaches)
Every freelance copywriter or designer wants to grow their business.
This collection of tips gives you 3 specific approaches for growth.
Not all will work for you, but I know that some will. Have a look!
Contracts for Freelance Copywriters and Designers?
Should freelance copywriters and designers use legal contracts or detailed estimates?
I always used detailed estimates and they worked well. Why not legal contracts? Too much “legalese” that I would never enforce.
We never wanted to sue or go to court. Expensive and draining. Here’s what we included in our detailed estimates.
Freelance Copywriter Websites: (10 Key Elements)
All freelance copywriters should have websites. To make it easy for you, we’re using the site of an expert fintech writer as an example.
Learn the 10 key elements that belong on the site with screen captures to show you how it’s done.
So much to learn here. Time to take notes!
How to Ask Clients Questions
Asking questions of your clients can be intimidating. As creators, we’re supposed to be the ones with the answers. You may worry that your questions are “stupid” or that they show you’re not qualified for the project.
But in most cases, the opposite is true.
Learn how to ask the right questions and avoid the wrong ones.
7 Ways to Grow Your Freelance Business (Which Ones Are Best for YOU?)
When freelancers say they want to “grow their business”, what does that actually mean?
I outlined 7 ways to grow. You might use a combination of them.
Raise your rates. Find more clients like existing ones. Find better-paying clients and more...
Each way to grow requires its own strategy. It’s all here…
Client Communications Policy (Do This, NOT THAT)
Do you have a client communications policy? Do your clients know how you prefer to communicate?
Communication styles vary. They are often a major source of tension in client relationships. It’s worth reviewing your communications preferences.
However, you should also be attentive to client communications preferences. It’s a two-way street.