Books on Freelancing—Here’s a Good One

Take it from Dr. Seuss:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Sometimes, the best way to learn is by reading a book. The right book distills years of experience into a handful of pages.

I wrote How to Become a Successful Creative Freelancer based on my years of freelancing and the input from many freelance writers, designers, and developers.

Whether you are:

  • Thinking of freelancing

  • Making freelancing a side hustle to your 9–5 job

  • Starting full-time freelancing

  • Freelancing for a while but need a boost

…this book is for you.

How to Start Freelancing With No Experience

Everyone starts freelancing with no experience. You have to start somewhere, right?

This book has you covered. How to set up your freelance business. How to create a portfolio even with no clients. How to talk to potential clients about money.

Freelancing can be intimidating, especially at the beginning. With this book, you’ll gain confidence, build a strong foundation for your freelancing, and avoid the obvious rookie mistakes.

Making Freelancing a Side Hustle

Starting with a side hustle can be the best way to get into freelancing. Keep your 9–5 and work evenings and weekends on building your freelance gig.

The upside? Less pressure. You’ll learn freelancing but still have the financial cushion of your job. You’ll earn extra income (always nice).

The downside? You’ll be working more hours. That takes away time from the rest of your life.

However, as a side hustle, you can control how much freelance work you want to accept. That makes it easier to plan vacations or just get away from work for a while.

The book covers managing your time with a side hustle and ethical considerations to remember when working full-time and on the side.

Going Full-Time Freelance? Build a Strong Foundation With Proven Processes

As a freelancer, you’re running a small business. That means finding clients, writing estimates and invoices, collecting payments, paying taxes, etc.

All of these are much easier and less time-consuming if you have good processes in place and find clients that give you repeat business (less time hustling, more time billing).

The book includes these chapters:

  • Working With Clients—Relationships are Everything

  • Best Pricing Models For Freelancers

  • Terms & Conditions, Getting Paid

  • Avoid Scope Creep—Get Paid For Everything

  • Adapt This Complete Estimate Template

Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle

Get more details, including the complete table of contents here on Amazon.

If you’re looking for tips on how to build and grow an agency, you’ll want to read How to Start a Successful Creative Agency.

It’s available at Amazon (Paper & Kindle), Kobo (ebook), Apple Books (ebook), and Gumroad (PDF).

The book is packed with useful information to help creatives start and grow their business.

Testimonial: You NEED To Buy This Book Now

“Just finished @StroteBook’s absolutely mind-blowing book on how to start a creative agency. I have been reading a few pages almost every day. You NEED to buy this book now. Buy it. He even published one of the chapters on working with clients ON HIS BLOG. It’s sooo worth it.”

Nabil Ahsan

Want a Free Taste First?

Sure! Sign up above or in the footer below for a free PDF of Chapter 14 of the Agency book Working With Clients.

This chapter covers essential areas such as Clients vs. Projects, Corporate Clients vs. Small Business Clients, How to Create an Opportunity Document, Benefits of Finding a Niche… and much more.


If you’re on Bluesky, I’m ‪ Ask me anything.

On Twitter, I’m @StroteBook. D.M.s are always open.

On LinkedIn, I’m Andy Strote. Ask away.


How to Find Clients Using Passive and Active Tactics


Network Intensely, Treat New People as Friends