Why Start an Agency Now?

Three ad agency staff around a table with laptops

Photo by Brooke Cagel

by Andy Strote

If you’re a creator, there’s never been a better time to start your own creative agency. Here’s why:

  1. The Internet—we take it for granted, but just think about it. This is your vehicle for communications and collaboration, your file sharing and storage depot, your portfolio, your entertainment and finally, where most of your work will be experienced.

  2. Mobility and connectivity—you can work from a coffee shop anywhere in the world. You can work with people located anywhere. You’re able to take advantage of time zones—get people around the world working for you while you’re sleeping. That’s a huge advantage.

  3. Today, big clients accept working with smaller companies. You don’t have to be a conglomerate. They’ll hire you for your talent. It wasn’t always that way.

  4. Powerful equipment is dirt cheap. You can make a film with your phone, and get it in front of a global audience free of charge. Incredible!

  5. The world is undergoing massive changes. Change creates opportunities. If you can ride the wave, there’s never been a better time.

5 Reasons This is the Worst Time to Start Your Creative Agency

Maybe you’re not so optimistic. Here’s why this is the worst time to start your business:

  1. The Internet—now your competition is global. There are content creators living in countries that you can’t find on a map. They’re competing to design $10 logos and take photographs for free.

  2. At the top end of the business, all kinds of multi-national consulting companies are getting into the creative agency business. They’re trying to cream off the best, most profitable clients.

  3. Thousands of creative individuals just like you are thinking of doing exactly what you’re doing.

  4. Free or cheap stock photography and video clips are everywhere, and soon AI will be writing websites.

  5. The world is undergoing massive changes. Change creates confusion and turmoil, and you can easily get swept away.

I know there are lots of optimists who are thinking of starting their own creative agency. I did it twice, and I know you can do it too.

This book, How To Start a Successful Creative Agency will help you start, manage, and grow your business.

And BTW, it’s always the best time.

Testimonial: Learned a Lot of Things I Haven’t Found Elsewhere

“Freelancers and agency owners, if you're struggling with pricing, writing good estimates, profitability etc., get this book. Finished it yesterday and learned a lot of things I haven't found anywhere.”

Kasun Pathirage, Freelance B2B Writer, posted on Twitter

New Book For Freelancers

I’ve just published How to Become a Successful Creative Freelancer. It’s the essential business guide for freelance writers, designers, developers, filmmakers, and photographers.

Whether you’re just starting as a freelancer or have years of experience, you’ll learn a lot from this book.

It’s broken down into easy-to-understand chapters with strategies and tips you can use today. Not just “what to do”, but also “how to do it”.

It’s available now in Kindle ebook and Paperback on Amazon.

Want to Grow An Agency? The Agency Book is For You

If you’re looking for tips on how to build and grow your agency, you’ll want to read How to Start a Successful Creative Agency.

Available at Amazon (Paper & Kindle), Kobo (ebook), Apple Books (ebook), and Gumroad (PDF).

The book is packed with useful information to help creatives start and grow their business.

Want a Free Taste First?

Sure! Sign up in the footer below for a free PDF of Chapter 14, Working With Clients.

This chapter covers essential areas such as Clients vs. Projects, Corporate Clients vs. Small Business Clients, How to Create an Opportunity Document, Benefits of Finding a Niche… and much more.


If you’re on Bluesky, I’m ‪@strotebook.bsky.social. Ask me anything.

On Twitter, I’m @StroteBook. D.M.s are always open.

On LinkedIn, I’m Andy Strote. Ask away.


Want to be a Successful Freelancer? (Work at An Agency First for On-The-Job Training)


A Business Book for Freelancers and Small Agency Owners